Discover the best events in Tuscany!


Tuscany offers an incredible variety of events, from food festivals to Medieval feasts and from music events to weekly-held markets. Here you’ll find some of the events in the vicinity of Rivalto that you don’t want to miss out on.


Festa del Marrone, The Chestnut Feast - 2nd Sunday of October
Festa Contadina di Rivalto, The Farmer’s Feast of Rivalto - 10 August
Festa paesana di Chianni, The Village Feast of Chianni - 2nd Tuesday after Ferragosto (15 August)
Sagra del Cinghiale di Chianni, The Wild Boar Food Festival of Chianni - 1st and 2nd weekend of November

City tours


Capodanno pisano, Pisa New Year’s celebration - 25 February
Luminara di Pisa, Light Festival of Pisa - 16 June
Palio di San Ranieri, Horse Race of San Ranieri - 17 June
Gioco del Ponte, The Bridge Challenge - last Saturday of June

Stemma di Pisa


Scoppio del carro, Explosion of the Cart - Easter
Calcio Storico Fiorentino, Historic Florentine Football - 1st, 2nd Saturday of June with the finals on 24 June
Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Music month of May in Florence - end of April to the start of June
Pitti Immagine, Pitti Fashion Fairs - January and June
Taste, salone del gusto, Food tasting fair - mid-March

City tours


Fiera delle Messi, Harvest Festival - 2nd weekend of June

City tours


VolterraGusto, VolterraTaste - March and the weekend following All Saints
Volterra A.D. 1398, Medieval Festival - 3rd and 4th Sunday of August

City tours